Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Just like my sailing adventure, I will continue to have experiences that will make me a better writer. I already enjoy target shooting and now I am stepping it up a notch. Tonight I am in a KSTG match at the NRA HQ Range.

Kinda Sorta Tactical Game (KSTG) was created as an outlet for practical shooters to exercise defensive shooting skills and tactics in a competitive environment with minimal subjective judgments by officials.

The rules of KSTG evolved from other popular competitive shooting sports such as IPSC and IDPA. Many concepts, procedures, and naming conventions are borrowed from these sports for the sake of familiarity.

The rules are an attempt to balance objectivity, common tactical principles, and fun. KSTG is not intended to serve as formal training. It’s a game. Have fun.

--This will be fun!

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