Thursday, February 19, 2015

Another Proof

Another proof copy arrived yesterday.

This one set many specifics for the book:
  • The cover finish
  • Interior fonts
  • Font sizes
  • Blank pages to insert
  • Headers and footers
  • Margins
I am still tweaking a few of the things in the story based on beta reader feedback.

--I am hoping to reach final and hit go by months end!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snowed In

We are snowed in today.

I know 8 inches is not a lot if you are in Boston or Buffalo, but it's crippling in Virginia.

Everything is closed. Schools, colleges, Local and Federal governments and museums are all closed.

Friends are visiting this week so instead of going to the National Aquarium today we set up a blog for her writing project. Writers are good at networking and helping each other out!

Check it out here.

--Please be patient as it is still under construction! Fun Stuff!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

All the other things to think about...

The first proof was a big eye opener regarding all the stuff that is important that also needs doing when you are publishing a book.

As you can see from the photo, adjusting the font and line spacing alone changed a lot regarding the size and format. There is a laundry list of things I should have done:
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Disclaimer
  • ISBN number
  • Dedications
  • Headers and footers
  • Line spacing
  • Margins
  • Trench depth (That's a real thing)
  • Font selection
  • Chapters should all start on even pages.
  • Acknowledgments
  • About the author
  • Web links
  • Contact information
All I did was write the thing. Who knew that double spaced, Courier New, was not the right choice. I ended up going into my own library and grabbing a few books. I didn't need an index but they were good guides.

This is where publishers are damn handy. They reminded me of all these items. They even sent me a MS Word template to help me out.

The second round of mods are now done. The third proof has been ordered.

--There will probably be a 4th...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Holy Crap! It's Real!

I received the proofs today from my publisher and actually got to hold it in my hand.

I think it was a bigger deal for me than I realized.

Writing a novel has been a life long dream for me. I have few things on my bucket list and this was one of them.

Today, holding the book made it real. The dream, realized.

There is still work to do. The publisher has given me formatting advice regarding headers and page numbers and copyright pages, acknowledgements and a pile of other little things I never though of when all I was going to do was ePub the thing.

I got two of the proofs. They are dated February 9, 2015. The very first printings. They will have places of honor in my personal library. But damn. I have got to fix a pile of stuff...

--Soon to be collectors items!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Writers Groups

I have found it very useful and encouraging to attend local writers groups. One of these groups is Writers Eating DC.

My Friend Dee drives the bus over there and does a great job motivating me. She is the writer/artist for the comic Reply-All in the Washington Post. 

She drew the trading card of me on the right!

I found this and other groups in

Go check out Meetup and find a group near you. I even found a group near me that focus's on Science Fiction specifically. There are groups meeting every week near you in libraries, schools, bookstores and coffee shops!

--Drink coffee, make stuff up, talk about it with people!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Almost There...

The editor is done working on my book. She did a GREAT job! I learned a lot, mostly because I am making this all up as I go along!

I have begun the actual mechanics of publishing it myself. I have copyrighted the story and even have an ISBN now.

Here is what the final cover will be, I think:

I am still working on the text for the back cover. One more time through and it will be ready for Amazon.

--I am currently working on Book 3!